Customer Type

Customer Types are applied at the customer level and used to categorize customers to be used as a filter in various programs throughout TRUX. The Customer Type code table will need to be created prior to new accounts being created in Customer Entry or Customer Explorer.




  1. Enter 2-digit code in the Code column.


  1. Enter a Description of this Customer Type.


  1. Select a Cash Application to be used with this Customer Type from the drop down. Cash Application indicates how overpayments will be applied based on each customer type. See the examples below.


To Invoice: Overpayments will be applied to the invoice and the invoice will have a negative balance. Overpayments will not be applied to older invoices on the account.

See To Invoice Example: Closed

Invoice 338 has a balance of $945.45. The payment for invoice 338 is $1,145.45 in Batch Post Cash.

The Overpayment of $200.00 is applied as a credit on Invoice 338.

The Invoice credit balance will need to be applied manually.

See Apply Credit Balance for more information.

To OA: Overpayments will be applied On Account (OA). Overpayments will not be applied to older invoices on the account.

See To OA Example: Closed

Invoice 316 has a balance of $2,002.00. The payment for Invoice 316 in Batch Post Cash is $2,502.00.

The Overpayment of $500.00 is applied On Account as a credit.

The On Account credit will need to be applied manually to unpaid invoices on the account. See Apply Credit Balance for more information.

Auto: Overpayments will be applied to older invoice balances on the account, if they exist. The oldest will be paid first until the overpayment balance is exhausted. If older unpaid balances do not exist on the account, the overpayment balance will be applied On Account.

See Auto Example: Closed

Invoice 476 has a balance of $150.00. The payment received for invoice 476 in Batch Post Cash is $950.00.

Invoice 476 is paid in full.

The Overpayment of $800.00 is applied to invoice 475, the oldest unpaid invoice on the account.


  1. Active Customer Types will have a check mark in the active column.
  • Remove the active check mark to set a Customer Type as Inactive.
  • Inactive Customer Types will be displayed in red.


  1. Repeat for as many Customer Types as needed. Save when finished.
  • Proceed to Customer Entry or Customer Explorer to create customer accounts and apply the appropriate Customer Type.


Customer Entry

Customer Explorer: Customer Details

Customer Type Cash Application

Credit Balance Application